Diet plan & remedies to heal Hypothyroidism naturally

by Sana Al Hadethee

The Thyroid gland normally releases many hormones. These hormones travels through the bloodstream to reach receptors throughout the whole body. Therefore you can imagine how the disturbance in thyroid function how can directly cause health problems.
The main function of thyroid hormone is “managing the body’s metabolism,”. It only make sense that people who suffer from thyroid condition will consequently suffer from slow metabolism. In fact, as many as 40% of women may suffer some degree of thyroid deficiency. Hypothyroidism is a new epidemic, and millions of people currently suffer from it without knowing it.

What causes Hypothyroidism?
It is very important that we understand the causes behind hypothyroidism, and work on eliminating those causes otherwise nothing will help healing the problem from the route. Below are some of the reasons why we get Hypothyroidism:

  • Emotional stress
  • High use of Medication
  • Poor diet (especially one lacking in iodine and selenium)
  • High Soy product Consumption
  • Refined carbs
  • Inactivity and lack of exercise
  • Pregnancy
  • High estrogen level in the body
  • Chemicals in body care products
  • Not enough night sleep
  • Gut inflammation
  • Extreme diets, such as very low carb or vegan diets
  • Vegetable oils (canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc. as well as grapeseed oil)


Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
These are some of the most common warning signs that raise the flags of hypothyroidism. Each individual may feel some number of these symptoms, but not necessarily all. The symptoms will vary according to severity of the thyroid hormone deficiency:

      • Fatigue
      • Slower heart rate
      • Depression, lack of motivation and anxiety
      • Infertility
      • Feeling cold
      • Muscle aches, cramps and tenderness
      • Stiffness and swelling in the joint
      • Rough, dry, pale skin
      • Trouble breathing
      • Changes in the menstrual cycle (heavy period)
      • Having colds more frequently due to low immune function
      • Weakness
      • Weight gain
      • Increased difficulty losing weight  photo8
      • Dry brittle hair and nails
      • Hair loss
      • Cold intolerance
      • Constipation
      • Irritability
      • Memory loss
      • Decreased libidos
      • Pain, numbness and tingling sensation in the hand and fingers
      • Dry eyes
      • Lack of concentration


Best Diet Plan for Hypothyroidism
You can absolutely rebalance your thyroid hormones if you avoid the causes and follow this diet plan with some natural remedies to support your glands especially when you have a mild dysfunction. Here are some essential foods to start healing hypothyroidism:


Wildfish (not farmed):
Salmon, Sardines and Mackerel provide omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA that are essential for hormone balance, thyroid function and support a healthy mood and immune system.

Liver for thyroid health:
Clean sourced liver provides very significant thyroid-boosting properties which is Vitamin A and liver offers the highest concentration of vitamin A in nature. The body utilises the animal sources from Vitamin A much better than Vitamin A from plant sources such as beta-carotene, in contrast, because it should first be converted to retinoid form to be useful in the body.
Long-term Vitamin A supplementation is not recommended because of the high toxicity and it is not well utilised by the body. Get true Vitamin A from real food, mainly organic grass fed animal sources. photo10

Coconut oil:
The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil support healthy metabolism, helps increase energy and fight fatigue. It is extremely essential to make this oil as part of your daily staple for its easy digestion, nourishing the digestive system and the antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that suppress inflammation. Coconut oil helps increase brain function and improve immunity, endurance and non the less improve mood while stabilizing blood sugar levels.


Are the best natural sources of Iodine. Iodine, should be present in hypothyroidism weakly diet because it helps prevent thyroid dysfunction. You can find Iodine in Kelp, nori and doles. You can pick the dried varieties of these seaweeds from food stores and add them to soups, and broths.photo12 You can also consume Seaweeds as they are rich in iodine content and are also good antioxidants, hence they are useful in controlling the thyroid functions.

These include fermented dairy product such as kefir, Organic Goat’s Yogurt and Sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables like Kimchi or Natto. In Middle Eastern diet we have Pickle but it should be with low salt and sugar. Probiotics should be part of hypothyroidism diet because it help create healthy gut microflora bacteria, which reduces inflammation and autoimmune reactions.

Eating plenty of healthy fats that are found in seeds such as Flax, Chia, and Hemp provide ALA, omega-3 fat which is crucial for proper hormonal balance and thyroid function. Balanced levels of fats in the diet support healthy mood and brain function hence it lowers inflammation and stabilises blood sugar levels to help stay at a healthy weight balance.

Clean Water:
While preventing fatigue and moodiness water helps with hydration and digestive function to prevent constipation. Drink at least a glass every two hours to keep your energy and ditch sugar cravings.


Ghee considered as medicinal food in Ayurvedic health for its rich nutritional quality content. It is Rich in Vitamin A, Omega 3 and Cholesterol which is an important building block for healthy hormones.

Fibre is important for blood sugar balance, healthy weight, digestion and heart health. Make sure you consume 30-40 grams of fibre daily.
Make sure you eat enough lentils, beans, vegetables, seeds and berries.


Unrefined Salt:
salt is good for us believe it or not! It is very essential that you differentiate between which types of salt.
You should ONLY use unrefined salt such as pink Himalayan or unbleached unrefined sea salt and not the regular table salt you buy from regular supermarket.
Some of the many benefits for good salt is that it supports adrenal functions which is you can’t have balanced thyroid without balanced adrenals. Salt reduces circulating cortisol and adrenaline hormones which are anti thyroid. It helps digestion and rich in unique trace minerals.



Bone Broth:
A clean grass fed Bone broth has shown to help treat food sensitivities and increase immunity. Bone stock contain amino acids called l-praline and l-glycine, which can help hypothyroidism by repairing the digestive lining. Bone broth also contains many important minerals that nourish the digestive tract and prevent deficiencies like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and silicon and lower muscles and joints pain.


Eggs are perfect for balancing hormones and contrary mainstream nutrition meth, the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg.
They provide a concentrated source of thyroid-supporting nutrients like protein, cholesterol, B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. Iodine, Selenium and minerals.

Fruits and Vegetables:
It should be the building block that make up a large portion of any healthy diet since they support digestive health, brain function, heart health, hormone balance and a healthy weight.


Foods to avoid with hypothyroidism

There are certain foods in your diet that if you don’t eliminate them even medicine will not be as effective. Eliminating those foods is your first step towards healing.

Soy is rich in plant-based phytoestrogen, and too much soy may increase the risk for hypothyroidism. People with hypothyroidism should watch their soy intake.

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barely, rye and other grains..
People with hypothyroidism should minimize their intake of gluten. However gluten can irritate the small intestine and prevent the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medication.

Processed Foods
People with hypothyroidism should watch their sodium intakes and processed food tend to be very high in sodium and other food additives that may interrupt hormones balance. Under-active thyroid increase the risk of high blood pressure, and having a high sodium diet increase that risk even more.

Fatty Foodsphoto24
Trans fats and saturated fatty acids interfere with the thyroid gland’s ability to produce the hormones and destroys the body’s capacity to absorb thyroid hormones from replacement medicines. Trans fats also interfere with the thyroid gland’s ability to produce the hormones as well. Therefore it is advisable to avoid all fried and fast food.

It is absolutely essential to avoid sugar because it contributes to hormonal disturbances and rocks the balance necessary for metabolism and weight losing. Sugar can worsen depression and contributes to mood changes, fatigue and weight gain.


Goitrogen Foods
Cruciferous vegetables family (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale, Soy and Brussels sprouts) should be steamed for 30 minutes before consuming and kept in portions which are moderate in size. Eating large amount of these vegetables can impact thyroid functions because they contain goitrogens molecules that impair thyroid functions. However Consuming them presents more risk for people with iodine deficiencies.

Dairy products
Conventional dairy can be especially malaise for the thyroid, triggering reactions that raise inflammatory responses. Avoid conventional dairy products and only consume Organic Goat’s yogurt, Goats cottage cheese, Goats raw cheese and raw milk or Organic Camel milk.

Tap water
Chlorine and fluorine in tap water inhibits iodine absorption. Iodine is available in our daily diet, but not everyone is capable of absorbing it and other minerals because of other eating habits.
Avoid all sources of fluoride. Fluoride suppresses the thyroid, and is likely to be the leading cause of hypothyroidism. Drink spring water, avoid soft drinks, use fluoride-free toothpaste, use a shower filter, and throw away non-stick cookware. Both coffee and tea naturally contain fluoride, so use iodine to compensate if these drinks are indispensable


Natural Thyroid treatments that work!
You need to be careful in supplementing and not over doing things especially if you are on medication already. Supplements may interfere with your treatment and can be harmful. Iodine supplements, for example, can cause your thyroid to make too much or too little hormone. Too much of a healthy vitamin isn’t always a good thing. Herbs may interfere with your medication as well. The best way to start is changing your diet first and then adding supplements gradually and as needed. Treatment are not always taking supplements or eating some particular food. Treatments can be as well by avoiding some wrong habits only. Here are the simple remedies to your healing:

Exercise is half the cure and a short cut to healing. Find any activity that you enjoy, and do it often because there is no way to healing without it. Those suffering from hypothyroidism can make it a habit to wake up in the morning and do some healthy exercises (stimulates the thyroid gland), such as walking outdoors. You’ll get the early sunshine as well as benefit from vitamin D as well.


Zinc and Selenium:
Make sure you’re getting enough selenium in your diet. Studies indicate that severe zinc or selenium deficiencies can cause decreased thyroid hormone levels. Never take zinc on an empty stomach. Brazil nuts are high in both zinc and selenium.
Eat Salmon, beef, sunflower, seeds, onions and mushrooms.photo32

Heavy metal detox:
There is no other good home remedy to fight thyroid than cleansing your system from all the toxic substances that have accumulated over time. If you haven’t done any serious type of detox for a long time I recommend you start with My detox diet plan and recommend using a combination of Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Chlorella, and Cilantro to cleanse these harmful metals from your body cells and organs.

Chlorophyll: photo34
Chlorophyll is absolutely needed to provide essential copper, builds healthy red blood cells, helps oxygenate the body, and it overall essential to skin health. Taking Copper supplements are not recommended but using Chlorophyll is a safe method of orally supplementing with copper.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with several autoimmune diseases, starting from cancer to thyroid disease. Daily exposure to sunshine is a good way to generate the vitamin D and to maintain healthy immune function and calcium metabolism.
Or otherwise sticking to supplements is necessary.


Vitamin B complex:
Thiamin and B12 are especially important for neurological health and hormonal balance.
Adaptogen and Ashwagandha Supplements:
These supplements lower cortisol levels and improve thyroid function by balancing T4 level.


Fish oil:
Essential fatty acids found in fish are essential for healthy thyroid. Take at least 3000 mg daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar does not only help with thyroid disorder but it is incredibly beneficial for other health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, regulating body hormones, also restores alkaline balance and aids weight loss. Make it part of your daily regime and make sure it is organic.
Add two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink on an empty stomach or first thing in the morning.

It helps on regulating body hormones and improve symptoms Plus, it boosts your immune system.

Avoid BPA:photo37
Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic bottles can disrupt endocrine system and effect thyroid. Try your best using BPA free plastic bottles.

Probiotic supplements:
Supporting your diet with probiotics is always a smart idea, for its profound benefit on healing and balancing the gut flora and helping in nutrient absorption and inflammation healing. Take at least 50 million CFU a dayily.


Naturopaths recommend that 500 mg to be taken 2-3 times daily, because it is a natural amino acid which helps the body produce its own thyroid hormone. Tyrosine also helps depressions accompany hypothyroidism.



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